That's the back story behind what just transpired here on my sofa with my 9-yr-old. I'm enjoying a cup of coffee and reading through all my favorite blogs. She looks over my arm and asks "Too bad you can't change the name." I'm confused. "Name?"
"Peacocks and penguins."
me: "that's my blog title."
"Yeah. It doesn't make any sense, mom."
So that got me thinking. How did you come up with your blog title? I know that neither peacocks nor penguins have anything to do with teaching, but the video "Perry the Peacock" speaks so strongly to me. I cry every time I watch it. I use my blog to connect to other teachers, to share ideas, and to tell my story of teaching.
What does your blog mean to you? I want to know! I'm trying my hand at a Linky Party. Join up and tell us your story. Click on the link below and follow the directions. You'll get to link this post to your own blog, letting you share your thoughts with others about this.
My blog title is A Primary Blog For The 21st Century. I used to call it A Grade 1 Blog For The 21st Century, but when my job changed from a Grade 1 teacher to a Grade 1/2 teacher, my blog title did too. There isn't a great back story to this blog title. I actually didn't take a long time to think of it either. All I knew is that I wanted to blog to share my ideas about teaching and learning in the 21st century. I thought the title should reflect that. Recently, not all of my posts are on this topic, but more teaching and learning in general, but for now, I'll keep the title. Hope this helps! Good luck with your decision of what to do!
Blog Link -
Aviva, I've been following you for some time now, and I always find your to be inspiring and innovative. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and expertise!
I love your blog title! I think it's very cute!
ReplyDeleteI am actually going through a little situation with my blog title... I was contacted yesterday by a company who has the same name as my blog and they want me to change my name! I was up all night trying to figure out what to do... change or not change? What would my new title be? I love the title I have now!
Well, a new title just popped in my head about 5 minutes ago, right before I read your post. My name is Valerie YOUNG so I was thinking I could call it 'Teaching Young Minds". What do you think? You are the first person I am sharing it with ;o)
By the way, I found you through the K-2 linky party and I am your newest follower. I'd love for you to come visit my blog sometime!
Grow Up Learning
Grow Up Learning Facebook Page
I love the new title! I think it's clever AND cute! It can be so tricky with copyrights, trademarks and the net. We have never had such free access to so many ideas, images and resources. I'm sorry that you ran into trouble! I designed a race logo a year ago and we got nailed by a cancer organization. We had even searched the name out and couldn't find anything.
DeleteI'll come check you out!
I do think that a blog title and design need to reflect a part of you. My belief has always been that before we touch their minds we have to touch their hearts. Hearts are a HUGE part of everything we do in Our School Family. We have our heart words, heart promises and the helpful hearts we use to fill Our School Family bucket. We I started my blog last year I knew the title would be Heather's Heart. I had a free blog template for a long time as I shopped around and investigated what I wanted. When I got my make-over in December I fell in makes my heart smile. =)
ReplyDeleteI love how your design matches your blog title. I also love your blog and am so excited to be a new follower. I love seeing you and Pluto too!
I think we all have days where we aren't are best. I have several poems I wrote and shared on my blog posted in my room. There are days and moments I have to stop and go read one to remember that I am not just teaching a curriculum. I am teaching a child and their heart. I might be the only one to embrace that child with love and patience. God put that kiddo in my room for a reason. =)
Bloggy blessings to you!
Heather's Heart
Heather (I just LOVE writing that!) thank you for your sweetness and wise words. You are right, we do have to touch their hearts. I believe that, too, with every thing I am. Your template is really funky and spunky and sweet. I love it! I've changed my template about 6 times; I'm always feeling a little restless with it.
DeletePluto hugs are the best! Disney is my favorite place on earth. It's silly, really, but my TPT account is my Disney fund. I felt so refreshed after going at Christmas, my teaching has never been better. I'm crediting all the smiling I did for 6 days. I don't think I ever stopped! So it's my mental health fund, for sure!