Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Tell Me More!

I'm linking up with Amy over at Step into 2nd Grade with Mrs. Lemons. She started this fabulous linky party....is it a great idea or what? I love learning about people!

1. I can talk like Yoda. I save it for special occasions.

2. I have my very own room in my house. When we moved into our very old and very pink house, most of the rooms had been painted and the floors done. Not this little room in the corner of the house. It had ugly cat-pee carpet and gross paint. So I painted, tore out the carpet, refinished the floor all by my lonesome, and claimed it for MINE.
One might ask, "But Heather, have you done this before?" The answer is no, no matter how professional I look in the photo below. *snort*

3. I once owned 9 rats as pets. I mean, they were domesticated rats, not ones I got out of a sewer or something. Weird, I know, but I love the little guys!

4. I am obsessed with chickens. And I can't raise them due to our crummy city laws.

5. I am obsessed with Disney World. It is my happy place. I am also phobically afraid of scary rides, and this photo was taken after we ROCKED Mission to Mars at Epcot.

6. I like to change my hair color. Three years ago I showed up after the first week of school with platinum hair and FREAKED my first graders out. They didn't know who I was at first, poor little things.

7. I like big bass...and I cannot lie. I am a bass fishing FREAK. 

8. I don't like zombies especially, but after being totally addicted to Walking Dead I can't seem to get enough of them. Is that a paradox, or WHAT?

9. My dog Juno is little and white and scrappy. My nephew dog Max is everybody's best friend. Is it hard to see why? He and I have long talks in the evening about the problems of the world. My little white scrappy Juno is way to independent to need people like that.

10. I love a man who loves to nap. (see the above photo.

11. At one time, in the not-too-distant past, I was a Dungeon Master for a D&D game. Incoming! - Ultra Nerd!! What does this mean? I got to run a Dungeons and Dragons campaign, which meant I could beset my husband and his nerdy friends with monsters and reward them with treasure. Geeky control, pleasure and pain. It's like being Christian Grey, but only geekier and everyone is dressed.

13. I am a procrastinator. Even so, I made it through undergraduate school at the age of 35 (hey, I started at 31!) and my masters last spring. But really, why rush all your life when you can just rush the last 10 minutes?

14. An ex-boyfriend once hooked my in the ear with a large spinner bait while casting. I had to go to the ER because it was lodged so ferociously in the cartilage. It still had a large plastic worm attached to it. I was MORTIFIED sitting there with all the sick kids and people with broken legs and stuff. Who wouldn't stare at THAT person, the one with a large lure stuck to their head? (note: said boyfriend didn't stay one for long after that.)

15. I am a keeper of random facts. I don't try, I just remember them easily. I'm the partner you want when playing trivia games. I am a real life version of Kramer.


  1. hahaha this is all funny :) My husband LOVES to nap too...he takes one EVERY DAY when he gets off of work. I also have a little white, scrappy dog! She thinks she's a pit bull, but she's really a toy poodle!

    Fourth Grade Fanatics

  2. I just found you on the Tell Me More Linky! I am a 4th grade teacher too! I wish I could have chickens too.
    Fancy Free in FourthI

  3. Hi Heather!
    I found you on Step into Second Grade's link party!

    I love your blog! I'm your newest follower! I'm glad to see a fellow geek out there, I was beginning to think I was all alone!

    I'd love if you'd hop over to my blog and check it out!

    ~Lisa Tales of an Education Major

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I loved reading more about you! I'm also a born procrastinator and produce my very finest work when down to the wire. Also, I like the platinum hair. You can rock it! :)

    Also, check out this link for a student ready Currently project. Awesome!


