Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Something old, Something new

Why is it when things get the busiest, we find ourselves manic? There is no other real way to describe how I'm feeling this December.

An especially inspiring co-worker turned me on to virtual scrapbooking materials. I had no idea people did this; I'm a scrapbooker from the days when Creative Memories ruled supreme and a fancy page consisted of your best stickers. When my daughters were babies I scrapbooked for them, but found the time and energy to keep up with it vanish as I entered college for my undergrad in education. Since then, scrapbooking has become a hazy memory, and I had all but forgotten the last year when I discovered a deep affection for gromits and other vintage-y looking hardware.

When I discovered that you could actually get papers and embellishments online (for free!), the dormant scrapbooker in me woke up. Now I can hardly stand to look at older anchor charts and posters in my room without imagining them with ribbon and a really great font. It's gotten so bad that I spent a day off (daughter was unwell) re-designing my "puke plans" (emergency sub plans).
Crazy.  And here are my new "How can I solve it?" anchor charts.

And what I could be doing instead? About a million other meaningful and more urgent things. But just like the rearranging, I am beginning to believe that creating is an outlet, and is often a symptom of something bigger.

So a huge thanks to Nicky. Being manic can have a plus side.

For links, check out my Pinboard that deals with design elements:

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