I had swore to myself that I wouldn't let time lapse on my blog, that I would keep up even when things got crazy. Because I love my blog that much. Because it's therapeutic. Because it's the expectation. So no excuses, but I do have some reasons.
Grad school: I'm done! I presented two weeks ago, and I get hooded next Saturday. Up to the point of the presentation of our research there was a lot to do. My hands, brain and computer were swamped with it.
Teaching: I'm done. Put a fork in me. For the first time ever I do not love my job. The challenges of the fall have resurfaced, and I am literally counting the seconds until June 8th at 3:40. I once again feel like a failure, because I can't teach what I need to teach. I'm exhausted. I have hit a wall.
Health: I've been doing a self-improvement project. I started doing the P.I.N.K. method in February. The point I'm at in my journey is a renewed love for strength training and high-intensity-interval-training, and eating well. By well I mean whole foods, plant based, delicious and sustainable. I feel fantastic and healthy, am getting leaner. But I spend a lot of time cooking these days. Which is good. But the time has to come from somewhere.
And lastly, procrastination: Are you that type of person that as a problem looms bigger and bigger it becomes harder to face? That would be me. So I swept PeacocksandPenguins under the rug for a month and a half.
Where does that take this blog? Well, for starters, I don't have a lot of new ideas because I'm just so tapped. I'm vying for a 4th grade position, so there may be lots of new discovers and explorations on the horizon. Summer break is only 5 weeks away, and that always make for a freer mind and less cluttered life.
I hope I haven't lost too many of you. Thank you for being patient.
I am glad you are back (and okay!)
ReplyDeleteI was worried:)
Going Nutty!
Staci, did you send me an email in the last week? I think it got deleted accidently before I could read it. If you did, can you resend it?
ReplyDeleteMissed you!!!
I'm glad you're back too! We wear so many hats in our lives that sometimes even the things we love to do for ourselves get swept under the rug. We need to forgive ourselves and move on. Speaking of moving on...I am thrilled at the thought of you teaching fourth grade! It's such a magical year and I think you'll love it!
ReplyDeleteNot sure what the PINK method is, but will be checking it out. Take care.
I am glad you are back Heather! I have been stalking you...I mean stopping by often. Please don't feel like a failure. You ARE making a difference whether you feel that way or not. I often feel like I still have so much to teach and so many OTHER things seem to get in the way. I have an inspirational poem I shared not that long ago you might need to read called "Because of You".
ReplyDeleteBlessings to you. Let me know if I can help in any way!
Heather's Heart